Into the Breach Wiki

Alpha Digger is one of the Alpha Vek from Into The Breach.

Description[ | ]

Before attacking, the Alpha Digger places a normal boulder on any empty adjacent tile. Alpha Diggers attack for 2 damage to all adjacent tiles, likely destroying the boulders in the process.

Alpha Diggers cannot appear on the first island and are limited to one spawn per mission.

Strategy[ | ]

In contrast to regular Diggers, the Alpha Digger is much sturdier at 4HP and requires significant damage to fully destroy in one hit, even with ranged artillery weapons. The boulders it surrounds itself with can also be nuisance, as they not only protect the Alpha Digger, but can also block your grounded Mech's movements to reach other dangerous enemies. These traits make the Alpha Digger particularly dangerous, and should be a priority to neutralize.

That said, the same strategy with regular Diggers can be used when deploying against Alpha Diggers; try to bait them into attacking a high damage Mech with one space next to another target directly; this will not create a boulder beside your Mech and it will be free to attack the Alpha Digger. Pushing it into its own boulders is encouraged to maximize the damage dealt and destroy it in one hit. If it's not possible to bait the Alpha Digger during deployment, look to use weapons that can Smoke it or Freeze it, or wide range weapons like Wind Torrent that can move it away from targeted buildings safely.

It's worth putting off an island until later if you see Diggers, and you don't think your current squad's weapon loadout can neutralize them consistently.
