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The Tiles in Into The Breach.

Description[ | ]

Basic Tiles[ | ]

Icon Tile Type Description
Icon ACID Pool A.C.I.D. Pool Inflicts A.C.I.D. on the 1st unit that steps on this space.
Icon ACID Tile A.C.I.D. Tile Behaves like Water, but inflicts A.C.I.D. on surviving units.
Icon Civilian Building Icon Powered Building Civilian Building Your Power Grid is reduced when Grid Structures are damaged. Turns into Building Rubble when damaged. Named Powered Building on R.S.T. Corporation.
Icon Chasm Chasm Tile Ground units pushed in will be destroyed.
Icon Forest Tile Icon Forest Fire Forest Tile If damaged, lights on Fire. (Turns into Forest Fire.)
Icon Ground Ground Tile No special effect.
Icon Ice Tile Ice Tile Turns into Water when destroyed. Must be hit twice. (Turns into Damaged Ice Tile.)
Icon Lava Lava Tile Behaves like Water, but inflicts Fire on surviving units.
Icon Mountain Tile Mountain Tile Blocks movement and projectiles. Hit twice to destroy. (Turns into Damaged Mountain, then Mountain Rubble.)
File:Icon Power Pylon.png Power Pylon Remote Power Pylons connect your Mechs to the Grid even underground. Not populated.
Icon Sand Sand Tile If damaged, turns into Smoke. Units in Smoke cannot attack or repair.
Icon Water Water Tile Units cannot attack in Water. Most non-flying enemies die in Water.

Modified Tiles[ | ]

Icon Tile Type Description
Frozen acid Frozen A.C.I.D. Low temperatures have rendered the A.C.I.D. on this tile inert.
Cracked Tile Cracked tiles will turn into holes if damaged.
Frozen Building Invincible while Frozen. Any damage will destroy the ice.
Fire tile Fire Tile Lights units on Fire.
Spawn rst tile Spawn Tile Vek will emerge here next turn. Any unit blocking this space will take one damage
Icon Smoke Tile Smoke Tile Units in Smoke cannot attack or repair.
Electric Smoke Units in Smoke cannot attack or repair. Electricity damages enemy units.

Mission Tiles[ | ]

Icon Tile Type Description
Icon Time Pod Time Pod Destroyed if damaged or trampled by the enemy. Collect with a Mech, or defend until Vek retreat.
Clinic Clinic Your bonus objective is to defend this structure
Coal plant Coal Plant Your bonus objective is to defend this structure
Corporate Tower Corporate Tower Your bonus objective is to defend this structure
Decoy Building Self-Destruct, damaging nearby tiles. Does not damage neighboring buildings.
Defense Lab Defense Lab Your bonus objective is to defend this structure
Emergency Batteries Emergency Batteries Your bonus objective is to defend this structure
Old Earth Bar Old Earth Bar Your bonus objective is to defend this structure
Icon Conveyor Conveyor Belt This tile will push any unit in the direction marked on the belt.
Icon Freeze Mine Freeze Mine Any unit that stops on this space will be Frozen.
Grassland Grassland Your bonus objective is to terraform Grassland tiles into Sand.
Icon Mine Old Earth Mine Any unit that stops on this space will trigger the mine and be killed.
Volcano tile Super Volcano Indestructible volcano that blocks movement and projectiles.
Icon Teleport Teleporter Pad End movement here to warp to the matching pad. Swap with any present unit.
Terraformed This tile was terraformed as part of your bonus objective.
Barrel A.C.I.D. Vat Your bonus objective is to destroy this structure to create an A.C.I.D. Pool. Counts as killing blow for Viscera Nanobots.

Unimplemented Tiles[ | ]

Icon Tile Type Description
Frozen lava tile Frozen Lava Turns into a Lava tile when destroyed, but currently safe to stand on.
Evacuated Building No effect when damaged.
Supply Drop Collect this with a Mech to heal ALL friendly units and restore ALL limited use weapons.

Trivia[ | ]
